Juntos han trabajado para firmas como Lladró o Hermès, han decorado restaurantes como DiverXO, han creado escenografías para obras de teatro, eventos efímeros, ferias de decoración.... Y un largo etcétera que podréis descubrir si paseáis por su web (de donde proceden las imágenes que acompañan este post)
Espero que os guste y os anime a pensar en cómo utilizar todas las posibilidades que ofrece el papel para decorar vuestra vida.
Today, I show you Empaperart's work. It's a team made of Maria Gozalbo, Marcos Tomás and Enric Alemany, true masters in giving life to paper and cardboard. With their work they are able to give life and create structures, vitrines and spaces from different techniques and origami. All with paper as a protagonist role.
Together they have worked for companies like Hermes or Lladró, have decorated the restaruant DiverXO and have created sets for theater, ephemeral events, fairs decor .... You can discover more if you walk along its website (from which the images that accompany this post)
I hope you enjoy it and encourage you to think about how to use all the possibilities offered by the paper to decorate your life.

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